Here you will find the top 7 vitamin supplements for good health starting today. The best part is, they are all super easy to do!
I wanted to create this article to help people like myself who want to live intentional and obtain a healthy lifestyle but unsure of how and where to start.
I initially started out doing research on vitamin supplements I personally take each day. That unlocked a whole new world for me!
It was also a little overwhelming because there are so many different brands and options on the market.
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Our bodies are amazing in so many ways but unfortunately we are unable to make all of the vitamins we need. That’s ironic because our bodies desperately needs them to grow, develop and function.
The only way to get the vitamins and mineral we need is to get them from the foods you eat or supplement them.
Most of us don’t get the recommended 6-8 servings of fruits and veggies. Most of the time our hectic lifestyle leaves little or no time to pay attention to what we are or are not consuming. This has resulted in some deficiency of nutrients in almost everyone.
While we require them for good health, we more specifically need them for proper functioning of the cardiovascular system, bone health, immune function, and physical fitness.
If you detect deficiencies and want to incorporate supplements in your regumin but unsure of which ones to start with, you might consider these first. I have highlighted the most important vitamins and mineral deficiencies that are common among the average person.
Probiotics aka “good” bacteria help keep your gut healthy.
Many factors, including aging and prescription drugs, can kill off the good bacteria leading to many health problems.
Did you know that an overgrowth of yeast creates tiny holes in the walls of the intestines, causing leaky-gut so harmful toxins are able to flow throughout the body. Yikes!
Other amazing benefits include:
- Helps lose weight and belly fat
- May help boost immune system
- Reduces digestive disorders
- Keeps your heart healthy
- Improves mental health
- Balances friendly bacteria in your digestive system
- Reduces bloating
When looking for a quality probiotic there are a few important factors to look for.
Always choose a reliable and trusted brand.
Make sure your supplement contains Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria and has 10 -30 billion live units per dose.
We recommend: Life Extensions Florassist GI

Whole Food Multivitamin
As I mentioned in the beginning of this article, we do not eat nearly the daily recommended servings of fruits and veggies. We have so many deficiencies we are unaware of because most of us are not eating for the right reasons.
Vitamin deficiencies can lead to some major health concerns.
Theses are just a few:
- Weakness
- Fatigue
- Anemia
- Weak immune system
- Mental confusion or forgetfulness
- Restless sleep
We eat for pleasure, convenience, a way to cope with stress or we simply do not know any better…. Whatever the reason, we have to do something about it.
What if it were as simple as supplementing these deficiencies?
There are many ways to supplement vitamin and minerals and there are a lot of brands on the market.
You want to make sure what you choose has been researched, studied and meets FDA guidelines.
It’s also important that the brand uses the purest form of ingredients. We found a product that is all of these and more!
We recommend: Athletic Greens
Athletic Greens are the best all-in-one green vitamin supplement. This is an easy way to make sure you are getting all of your daily fruits and vegetables in a delicious way. It has a total of 75 carefully selected vitamins, minerals and whole food sourced ingredients

Other Key Benefits include:
- Nervous system and immune system support
- Digestion, gut health and liver support
- Efficient energy production and storage
- Hormone support
- Antioxidants and super foods to support healthy aging
- Reduces your bodies acidity level
Every ingredient is guaranteed the purest form.
They exceed GMP and meet FDA guidelines by auditing and reviewing every supplier and manufacturer of each raw ingredient.
They have their own board of nutrition experts that regularly reviews and updates their formula to ensure it’s backed by current research.

I personally like this product. Any company that “goes the extra mile” to ensure a quality vitamin supplement to help us maintain a healthy lifestyle is worth every penny. After all.. quality over quantity!
Vitamins D and K
In a nutshell, Vitamins D and K are fat-soluble nutrients that play an essential role in your body’s calcium metabolism.
Vitamin D aka “Sunshine Vitamin” promote calcium absorption and maintain adequate calcium levels in your blood. A vitamin d deficiency may cause bone loss.

Vitamin K is found in foods like leafy green and vegetables, as well as in some protein , such as egg yolk, liver and cheese.
Consider Vitamins D and K a team… one vitamin or even a married couple (that was so perfect I could not resist) They work well together and they both play major roles.
One of vitamin D’s main functions is to ensure the appropriate levels of calcium in your blood. Vitamin K promotes calcium in your bones, while reducing its accumulation in soft tissues such as blood vessels.
We recommend: Life Extensions D and K with Sea-Iodine

What is C60?
Great question! Im so glad you asked.
C60 is basically the “Fountain of Youth” in an oil form (this is where I would drop a mic)
It actually INCREASES health and longevity.
This C60 molecule has been scientifically tested numerous times and has been proven to contain positive heath enhancing properties including being 172 times more effective against oxidative radicles.
Other than being awesome, it also has a few more health benefits you may find amazing:
- Maximizes your performance, strength, and endurance, as well as reduce your recovery time
- Is great for your skin. Reduces wrinkles, heals wounds and sores faster, age spots fade away which leads to a much more youthful appearance.
- Increased mental clarity and focus
- Energy levels raise throughout the day
- Increased physical strength and enrgy
- Attitude and motivation are raised
Again, be careful when looking for C60. There are tons on the market and you want to make sure you are getting a quality product.
We recommend: C60 Purple Power
They use only the best quality, cold-pressed oils and our product is more pure than any on the market!

C60 Purple Power comes in both Avacado and Coconut oil
Omega 3
I found some shocking facts when it comes to Omega 3 deficiency.
Did you know that Omega 3 deficiency is in the top 10 of death in America? That’s 96,0000 people who die from preventable deaths each year because they are low in Omega 3.
I have to bring up a point I made in the beginning “Our bodies are amazing in so many ways but unfortunately we are unable to make most vitamins we need for good health”. This is a perfect example of that.
Either we get the much needed vitamins from our food or we MUST supplement them. We really need to understand that in order to achieve optimal wellness so we can live a productive life.
We NEED Omega 3
Findings show omega-3 fatty acids may help to:
- Lower blood pressure
- Reduce triglycerides
- Slows down the development of plaque in the arteries
- Reduce the chance of abnormal heart rhythm
- Reduce the chances of heart attack or stroke
- Lowers the chance of death in people with heart disease
- Reduces stiffness and joint pain
I came across this detailed diagram on

We recommend:Life Extension Super Omega-3
This bottle contains everything necessary for good brain and heart health but has a few added bonuses. It also has EPA/DHA With Sesame Lignans, Olive Extract, Krill and Astaxanthin

Tangy Tangerine by Youngevity
If you already eat right and maintain a healthy lifestyle or if you are on a mission to, you might want to consider Tangy Tangerine. It comes in a power that taste like, well, TANGERINE! Just mix with water and drink! It’s a good alternative for people who do not like green drinks.

Tangy Tangerine is a “all-in-one” multi-vitamin that provides the highest quality essential nutrients that your body needs to achieve and maintain optimal health. It also contains Synergizing cofactors to maximize absorption and benefits.
This product contains over 8000 ORAC certified organic ingredients that provides:
- energy boosting nutrients
- antioxidant support
- prebiotics and probiotics
- over 500mg of amino acids
- increased potencies of most vitamins and minerals for optimal results
Collagen Protien
Last but definitely not least. In fact, this is personally my favorite. So much so, I wrote an entire article on it.
You can read it HERE and trust me, it’s informative!
Here is the gist and why you need a good collagen supplement.
Everyone has collagen but in our mid 30’s our production starts slowing down… I mean, way down… and we cant get it back.
That’s why we start noticing wrinkles, brittle nails, aching back joints and all of the other joyful things that happen as we age. This is because collagen is a protein that makes up most of out connective tissues such as muscles, joint, tissue, bones, skin, hair and nails.
The only way to add it back into those areas is to supplement collagen itself. You can do it a few ways but I recommend this tasteless and odorless powder form.

I also recently posted a review article on the top 7 collagen supplements on the market if you want something besides a powder form. You can read it NOW!
The Take Away
Remember, you need to consume 6-8 servings of fruits and veggies a day.
If you do not think your intake is close to that, please find a way to supplement the deficiency.
Try these top 6 nutritional supplements to obtain your optimal health.
We all strive to live our best life possible.
Now it’s your turn
I hope you enjoyed this post on the top 6 best supplements for optimal health.
Now, I would love to hear from you:
Which supplement from this post are you excited to try?
Let me know by leaving a quick comment below.
If you enjoyed this article you should definitely check out some of my recent post!
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In general, vitamins are safe for people to use, though you should always check with your doctor before beginning a new supplement. Some vitamins can be dangerous for people with weakened immune systems, which can occur due to long-term use of corticosteroids, an HIV/AIDS infection or organ transplants.
You may also need to avoid some supplements if you have an artificial heart valve; in rare cases, these bacteria can infect your heart muscle, and patients with artificial valves have an increased risk of this complication.
This is very informative! I think we still need to take dietary supplements to get all the vitamins and minerals we need even though we are already eating a well-balanced diet for optimal health.
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This is full of such great info! Thank you so much!
What a useful post! I can certainly testify to the benefits of Vitamin D3!