It feels like my kids are constantly bringing home a stack of doodles and artwork they made at school. It’s so easy to slip them in the trashcan when they are not looking, especially when you have three of them! Fast forward years later when the time has somehow flown by right before our eyes, the kids are much older and doing their own thing. One of the best things about being a mom is sitting down with a cup of hot tea and looking in the memory box and seeing things your children put all of their little hearts into making. These doodles are key on hot to reconnect with your kids once again.

Parenting advice article

One day not too long ago, I found the sweetest gift from my son. Its a poem he wrote as a gift for me. He is seventeen now so this was written six years ago. I can still remember when I first read it and how it made me experience so many emotions and still do when I read this as a reminder of how he viewed his life at such an early age. This was from a boy who had experienced many things way too early in his life including watching his father slowly pass away. It gave me hope to read how he viewed his life on paper. God was working the just as he is working now.

A Poem From Chase

I am from hot wheels, my play station 2 and Spiderman

I am from you singing to me while I’m going to sleep

I am from the honeysuckles and the tall trees in our backyard

I am from family reunions and Christmas

I am from “I love yall equally” and “because I said so”

I am from worshiping Jesus and going to church

I am from Savannah and eating crab legs

I am from growing up with my daddy to now the pictures in my closet

I am from eating peanut butter and jelly to apple juice

I am from getting sick eating lots of Smores

I am from growing up playing basketball, lacrosse, football, and baseball

I am from getting loved by my awesome and loving parents

I am from skateboarding downhills to breaking my arm

I am from waking up to the smell of bacon and eggs

I am from playing my Gameboy

I am from my beautiful parents that I would never trade the world for


Chase Easter 12/17/15

Every year before my birthday, Christmas, or mother’s day my children always want to know what I want for that occasion. They never understand why or how I only want something they make me. This is a great example of why.

After I read it for the second time (many years later), I decided to write him back.

A Poem From Mommy

I am from an amazing son named Chase

I am from a life unimaginable without you

I am from being so thankful God sent you because you changed my life

I am from beaming with pride each day as I watch who you are becoming 

I am from always being there for you no matter what

I am from praying every night for God to be with you and protect you when you are not with me

I am from being scared when you leave to do crazy things on your bike to giving you keys to your first car

I am from watching you play basketball, Lacrosse, Football or whatever sport you are playing at the time and being your biggest fan

I am from watching you at 18 and not understanding how we got here so fast

I am from knowing God has a plan for your life because he told me himself

I am from knowing that you are going to be amazing because that’s what you are

Love always,

Mommy 08/21

If you are a family with small kids, save the good stuff. If you are a parent who hasn’t dusted off that memory box and revisited the moments, take a few minutes to do so. It will reignite all the feel! Talk to your kids about them and show them. Let them know how you felt when you first received it. You will open a door that you never want to close.

I want to give photo credits to Naomi Hopkins Photography for the beautiful picture of me and my son. Find her work at



  1. Beautiful poems! I love holding onto little things from when they’re young! My first Christmas as a single mom, my now 13 year old (he was 9 then) gave me a little box with $2.75 in it. He said he wanted me to buy myself something pretty with it!!I still have the box with the money in it sitting on my dresser!

  2. As a mom to a two year old and 4 month old boy this is making me tear up! I’m LOVING them right now, but also excited for sweet gifts like this. I already feel like they are growing too fast 🙁

  3. I wrote my mom a poem for Christmas one year when I was in third grade and she still has it hanging up. I can’t wait to share a lovable bond as my daughter grows!

    • Optimized Reply

      That is so special. I bet its her favorite gift of all times

    • Optimized Reply

      So special for you all! That will be a great way for your mom to bond with your daughter as well. She can tell her how similar you and your daughter were at her age.

  4. This is so sweet! They grow up so fast. My oldest is almost 18 years old. I’m a bit of a minimalist and I don’t always save things. After reading this, I’m going to start saving more!

    • Optimized Reply

      I agree! I dont save it all but there are a few special things I save and cherish.

  5. What a treasure you’ve shared in this post! From the beautiful poem your son wrote as a boy to your poetic response all these years later…to the wonderful reminder that we can connect in such a special way with our kids over the “small stuff,” which is really the big stuff. Thanks for a great read.

    • Optimized Reply

      HI ANN! Thank you so much for the sweet comment. I feel the same way about small things.

  6. Wow! This is such a beautifully written post. I love the two contrasted photos of the two of you. I’m so sorry your son lost his son. I can’t believe he wrote that when he was 11. What an incredibly introspective young man. I can only imagine what his future is looking like. And I LOVE LOVE LOVE the idea of keeping these kinds of things. Question – what doy ou keep them in?

    • Optimized Reply

      Thank you so much for this comment. I have a memory box for each of my kids. They are always welcome to add to it or look through it at any time. Its something we love doing together

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